Some software does not require root level (administrative) access and can be installed in a user’s home directory or a group’s project directory. If your software does require root privileges to be installed or you feel it would benefit other HPCC users, you can submit a help ticket requesting the software be installed. HPCC computational scientists investigate the software and test it before making it available in production. Some installations are straight-forward and can be done within a matter of days; others can be quite time-consuming. If you require software to meet a deadline, please ensure your request is submitted with plenty of lead time.
Requirements for software installation on the clusters:
1. Must run on the version of Linux the cluster is running – currently CentOS 7
2. Must be free to use in an academic environment (for the academic cluster) or the user/group must purchase a license for the software. The software installation will then be restricted for use only by that group.
3. If a license is required, the cluster can only support a floating license, not a node-locked license.
If your software meets these requirements, please submit a help ticket requesting the install and provide any installation files or download links you have for the software